Summer Classes

& Request for Your Support!

This summer, we will be offering our REDESIGNED Computer Basics and Advanced Computers classes. These are 10-lesson, self-paced courses taught by Director & Founder Jordan Mittler. To submit payment and get started, please click below:

If you need any assistance getting started, please respond to this message or send an email to [email protected].

Support Us!

We are proud to be considered the world’s leading computer & smartphone education service for senior citizens, and we ask for your support in order to continue offering our professional programming to seniors across the globe. Here’s how you can help:

  • Purchase one of the two classes described above (Computer Basics for $7.50/class or Advanced Computers for $10.00/class)

  • Sponsor an upcoming class or Tech Tip Tuesday (for only $50)

  • Contribute to our financial aid program to allow less-fortunate seniors to enroll in our courses

All donations can be submitted via PayPal or Credit/Debit Card by clicking below:

Please reach out with any questions, especially if you need help signing up for our classes! On behalf of the entire Mittler Senior Technology Team, we want to wish you a relaxing and technology-filled summer!