Today's the Day! AI Class in 2 Hours

Taught by Director & Founder Jordan Mittler

Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of AI with our FREE class, "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence," taught by our very own Director & Founder, Jordan Mittler starting in 2 HOURS!

This seminar will serve as a comprehensive and user-friendly introduction to the exciting realm of AI. In this class, you will discover the incredible potential of AI technology, gain insights into its numerous applications, and explore how it can benefit you in your daily life. This seminar will equip you with the essential knowledge to embrace the world of AI with confidence. We are thrilled to announce that Jordan will be personally teaching this FREE special edition class TODAY (June 11) at 11:30 AM EST

Click HERE to access the Zoom Meeting. The Meeting ID is 838 464 615

Thank you for being a part of the Mittler Senior Technology community, and we can’t wait to see you soon!